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1474 lines
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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# -*-mode:python ; tab-width:4 -*- ex:set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: -*-
from ctypes import *
import sys
import os
if sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'linux':
if os.path.exists('/usr/lib/') :
filepath = '/usr/lib/'
filepath = '/usr/lib/'
dll = CDLL(filepath)
except OSError:
print('Cannot find or')
if (sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8) or (sys.version_info.major > 3):
dll = WinDLL('DxImageProc.dll', winmode=0)
dll = WinDLL('DxImageProc.dll')
except OSError:
print('Cannot find DxImageProc.dll.')
def string_encoding(string):
:breif Python3.X: String encoded as bytes
:param string
if sys.version_info.major == 3:
string = string.encode()
return string
# image format handle
class DxImageFormatConvertHandle:
def __init__(self):
# status definition
class DxStatus:
OK = 0 # Operation is successful
PARAMETER_INVALID = -101 # Invalid input parameter
PARAMETER_OUT_OF_BOUND = -102 # The input parameter is out of bounds
NOT_ENOUGH_SYSTEM_MEMORY = -103 # System out of memory
NOT_FIND_DEVICE = -104 # not find device
STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = -105 # operation is not supported
CPU_NOT_SUPPORT_ACCELERATE = -106 # CPU does not support acceleration
def __init__(self):
# Bayer layout
class DxPixelColorFilter:
NONE = 0 # Isn't bayer format
RG = 1 # The first row starts with RG
GB = 2 # The first line starts with GB
GR = 3 # The first line starts with GR
BG = 4 # The first line starts with BG
def __init__(self):
# image actual bits
class DxActualBits:
BITS_8 = 8 # 8bit
BITS_10 = 10 # 10bit
BITS_12 = 12 # 12bit
BITS_14 = 14 # 14bit
BITS_16 = 16 # 16bit
def __init__(self):
# image mirror method
class DxImageMirrorMethod:
def __init__(self):
# mono8 image process structure
class MonoImgProcess(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('defective_pixel_correct', c_bool), # Pixel correct switch
('sharpness', c_bool), # Sharpness switch
('accelerate', c_bool), # Accelerate switch
('sharp_factor', c_float), # Sharpen the intensity factor
('pro_lut', c_void_p), # Lookup table
('lut_length', c_uint16), # Lut Buffer length
('array_reserved', c_ubyte * 32), # Reserved
def __str__(self):
return "MonoImgProcess\n%s" % "\n".join("%s:\t%s" % (n, getattr(self, n[0])) for n in self._fields_)
# Raw8 Image process structure
class ColorImgProcess(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('defective_pixel_correct', c_bool), # Pixel correct switch
('denoise', c_bool), # Noise reduction switch
('sharpness', c_bool), # Sharpness switch
('accelerate', c_bool), # Accelerate switch
('arr_cc', c_void_p), # Color processing parameters
('cc_buf_length', c_uint8), # Color processing parameters length(sizeof(VxInt16)*9)
('sharp_factor', c_float), # Sharpen the intensity factor
('pro_lut', c_void_p), # Lookup table
('lut_length', c_uint16), # The length of the lookup table
('cv_type', c_uint), # Interpolation algorithm
('layout', c_uint), # Bayer format
('flip', c_bool), # Image flip flag
('array_reserved', c_ubyte * 32), # Reserved
def __str__(self):
return "ColorImgProcess\n%s" % "\n".join("%s:\t%s" % (n, getattr(self, n[0])) for n in self._fields_)
# Field correction process structure
class FieldCorrectionProcess(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('bright_buf', c_void_p), # Bright image buffer
('dark_buf', c_void_p), # Dark image buffer
('width', c_uint32), # image width
('height', c_uint32), # image height
('actual_bits', c_uint), # image actual bits
('bayer_type', c_uint), # Bayer Type
def __str__(self):
return "FieldCorrectionProcess\n%s" % "\n".join("%s:\t%s" % (n, getattr(self, n[0])) for n in self._fields_)
# color transform factor
class ColorTransformFactor(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('fGain00', c_float), # red contribution to the red pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain01', c_float), # green contribution to the red pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain02', c_float), # blue contribution to the red pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain10', c_float), # red contribution to the green pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain11', c_float), # green contribution to the green pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain12', c_float), # blue contribution to the green pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain20', c_float), # red contribution to the blue pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain21', c_float), # green contribution to the blue pixel (multiplicative factor)
('fGain22', c_float), # blue contribution to the blue pixel (multiplicative factor)
def __str__(self):
return "ColorTransformFactor\n%s" % "\n".join("%s:\t%s" % (n, getattr(self, n[0])) for n in self._fields_)
# Field correction process structure
class StaticDefectCorrection(Structure):
_fields_ = [
('width', c_uint32), # image width
('height', c_uint32), # image height
('OffsetX', c_uint32), # image off x
('OffSetY', c_uint32), # image off y
('WidthMax', c_uint32), # image width max
('bayer_type', c_uint), # Bayer Type
('actual_bits', c_uint), # image actual bits
def __str__(self):
return "FieldCorrectionProcess\n%s" % "\n".join("%s:\t%s" % (n, getattr(self, n[0])) for n in self._fields_)
if hasattr(dll, 'DxGetLut'):
def dx_get_lut(contrast_param, gamma, lightness):
:brief calculating lookup table of 8bit image
:param contrast_param: contrast param,range(-50~100)
:param gamma: gamma param,range(0.1~10)
:param lightness: lightness param,range(-150~150)
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
lut lookup table
lut_length lookup table length(unit:byte)
contrast_param_c = c_int32()
contrast_param_c.value = contrast_param
gamma_c = c_double()
gamma_c.value = gamma
lightness_c = c_int32()
lightness_c.value = lightness
lut_length_c = c_uint16()
lut_length_c.value = 0
# Get length of the lookup table
dll.DxGetLut(contrast_param_c, gamma_c, lightness_c, None, byref(lut_length_c))
# Create buff to get LUT data
lut_c = (c_uint8 * lut_length_c.value)()
status = dll.DxGetLut(contrast_param_c, gamma_c, lightness_c, byref(lut_c), byref(lut_length_c))
return status, lut_c, lut_length_c.value
if hasattr(dll, "DxCalcCCParam"):
def dx_calc_cc_param(color_cc_param, saturation):
:brief calculating array of image processing color adjustment
:param color_cc_param: color correction param address(get from camera)
:param saturation: saturation factor,Range(0~128)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
cc_param: color adjustment calculating array
color_cc_param_c = c_int64()
color_cc_param_c.value = color_cc_param
saturation_c = c_int16()
saturation_c.value = saturation
length_c = c_uint8()
# DxCalcCCParam length = sizeof(int16)*9 = 2 * 9 = 18
length_c.value = CC_PARAM_ARRAY_LEN
# Create buff to get cc data
cc_param_c = (c_int16 * length_c.value)()
status = dll.DxCalcCCParam(color_cc_param_c, saturation_c, byref(cc_param_c), length_c)
return status, cc_param_c
if hasattr(dll, "DxCalcUserSetCCParam"):
def dx_calc_user_set_cc_param(color_transform_factor, saturation):
:brief calculating array of image processing color adjustment
:param color_transform_factor: color correction param address(user set),
type should be list or tuple, size = 3*3=9
:param saturation: saturation factor,Range(0~128)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
cc_param: color adjustment calculating array
color_transform_factor_c = ColorTransformFactor()
color_transform_factor_c.fGain00 = color_transform_factor[0]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain01 = color_transform_factor[1]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain02 = color_transform_factor[2]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain10 = color_transform_factor[3]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain11 = color_transform_factor[4]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain12 = color_transform_factor[5]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain20 = color_transform_factor[6]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain21 = color_transform_factor[7]
color_transform_factor_c.fGain22 = color_transform_factor[8]
saturation_c = c_int16()
saturation_c.value = saturation
length_c = c_uint8()
# DxCalcCCParam length = sizeof(int16)*9 = 2 * 9 = 18
length_c.value = CC_PARAM_ARRAY_LEN
# Create buff to get cc data
cc_param_c = (c_int16 * length_c.value)()
status = dll.DxCalcUserSetCCParam(byref(color_transform_factor_c), saturation_c, byref(cc_param_c), length_c)
return status, cc_param_c
if hasattr(dll, "DxGetGammatLut"):
def dx_get_gamma_lut(gamma_param):
:brief calculating gamma lookup table (RGB24)
:param gamma_param: gamma param,range(0.1 ~ 10)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
gamma_lut: gamma lookup table
lut_length: gamma lookup table length(unit:byte)
gamma_param_c = c_double()
gamma_param_c.value = gamma_param
lut_length_c = c_int()
status = dll.DxGetGammatLut(gamma_param_c, None, byref(lut_length_c))
gamma_lut = (c_ubyte * lut_length_c.value)()
status = dll.DxGetGammatLut(gamma_param_c, byref(gamma_lut), byref(lut_length_c))
return status, gamma_lut, lut_length_c.value
if hasattr(dll, "DxGetContrastLut"):
def dx_get_contrast_lut(contrast_param):
:brief ccalculating contrast lookup table (RGB24)
:param contrast_param: contrast param,range(-50 ~ 100)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
contrast_lut: contrast lookup table
lut_length: contrast lookup table length(unit:byte)
contrast_param_c = c_int()
contrast_param_c.value = contrast_param
lut_length_c = c_int()
status = dll.DxGetContrastLut(contrast_param_c, None, byref(lut_length_c))
contrast_lut = (c_ubyte * lut_length_c.value)()
status = dll.DxGetContrastLut(contrast_param_c, byref(contrast_lut), byref(lut_length_c))
return status, contrast_lut, lut_length_c.value
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRaw8toRGB24'):
def dx_raw8_to_rgb24(input_address, output_address, width, height, convert_type, bayer_type, flip):
:brief Convert Raw8 to Rgb24
:param input_address: The input raw image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: The output rgb image buff address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:param convert_type: Bayer convert type, See detail in DxBayerConvertType
:param bayer_type: pixel color filter, See detail in DxPixelColorFilter
:param flip: Output image flip flag
True: turn the image upside down
False: do not flip
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
convert_type_c = c_uint()
convert_type_c.value = convert_type
bayer_type_c = c_uint()
bayer_type_c.value = bayer_type
flip_c = c_bool()
flip_c.value = flip
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxRaw8toRGB24(input_address_p, output_address_p,
width_c, height_c, convert_type_c, bayer_type_c, flip_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRaw8toRGB24Ex'):
def dx_raw8_to_rgb24_ex(input_address, output_address, width, height, convert_type, bayer_type, flip, channel_order):
:brief Convert Raw8 to Rgb24
:param input_address: The input raw image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: The output rgb image buff address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:param convert_type: Bayer convert type, See detail in DxBayerConvertType
:param bayer_type: pixel color filter, See detail in DxPixelColorFilter
:param flip: Output image flip flag
True: turn the image upside down
False: do not flip
:param channel_order: RGB channel order of output image
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
convert_type_c = c_uint()
convert_type_c.value = convert_type
bayer_type_c = c_uint()
bayer_type_c.value = bayer_type
flip_c = c_bool()
flip_c.value = flip
channel_order_c = c_uint()
channel_order_c.value = channel_order
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxRaw8toRGB24Ex(input_address_p, output_address_p,
width_c, height_c, convert_type_c, bayer_type_c, flip_c, channel_order_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRaw16toRaw8'):
def dx_raw16_to_raw8(input_address, out_address, width, height, valid_bits):
:brief Raw16 converted to Raw8
:param input_address: The input image buff address, buff size = width * height * 2
:param out_address: The output image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:param valid_bits: Data valid digit, See detail in DxValidBit
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
valid_bits_c = c_uint()
valid_bits_c.value = valid_bits
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
out_address_p = c_void_p()
out_address_p.value = out_address
status = dll.DxRaw16toRaw8(input_address_p, out_address_p,
width_c, height_c, valid_bits_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRotate90CW8B'):
def dx_raw8_rotate_90_cw(input_address, out_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 8-bit image clockwise by 90 degrees
:param input_address: The input image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param out_address: The output image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
out_address_p = c_void_p()
out_address_p.value = out_address
status = dll.DxRotate90CW8B(input_address_p, out_address_p,
width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRotate90CCW8B'):
def dx_raw8_rotate_90_ccw(input_address, out_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 8-bit image counter clockwise by 90 degrees
:param input_address: The input image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param out_address: The output image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
out_address_p = c_void_p()
out_address_p.value = out_address
status = dll.DxRotate90CCW8B(input_address_p, out_address_p,
width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxImageImprovment"):
def dx_image_improvement(input_address, output_address, width, height,
color_correction_param, contrast_lut, gamma_lut):
:brief image quality improvement
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height *3
:param output_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height *3
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param color_correction_param: color correction param(get from camera)
:param contrast_lut: contrast lookup table
:param gamma_lut: gamma lookup table
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
color_correction_param_c = c_int64()
color_correction_param_c.value = color_correction_param
status = dll.DxImageImprovment(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c,
color_correction_param_c, contrast_lut, gamma_lut)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxImageImprovmentEx"):
def dx_image_improvement_ex(input_address, output_address, width, height,
color_correction_param, contrast_lut, gamma_lut, channel_order):
:brief image quality improvement
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height *3
:param output_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height *3
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param color_correction_param: color correction param(get from camera)
:param contrast_lut: contrast lookup table
:param gamma_lut: gamma lookup table
:param channel_order: RGB channel order of output image
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
color_correction_param_c = c_int64()
color_correction_param_c.value = color_correction_param
channel_order_c = c_uint()
channel_order_c.value = channel_order
status = dll.DxImageImprovmentEx(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c,
color_correction_param_c, contrast_lut, gamma_lut, channel_order_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxBrightness"):
def dx_brightness(input_address, output_address, image_size, factor):
:brief Brightness adjustment (RGB24 or mono8)
:param input_address: input buffer address
:param output_address: output buffer address
:param image_size: image size
:param factor: brightness factor,range(-150 ~ 150)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
image_size_c = c_uint32()
image_size_c.value = image_size
factor_c = c_int32()
factor_c.value = factor
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxBrightness(input_address_p, output_address_p, image_size_c, factor_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxContrast"):
def dx_contrast(input_address, output_address, image_size, factor):
:brief Contrast adjustment (RGB24 or mono8)
:param input_address: input buffer address
:param output_address: output buffer address
:param image_size: image size
:param factor: contrast factor,range(-50 ~ 100)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
image_size_c = c_uint32()
image_size_c.value = image_size
factor_c = c_int32()
factor_c.value = factor
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxContrast(input_address_p, output_address_p, image_size_c, factor_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxSaturation"):
def dx_saturation(input_address, output_address, image_size, factor):
:brief Saturation adjustment (RGB24)
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param image_size: image size (width * height)
:param factor: saturation factor,range(0 ~ 128)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
image_size_c = c_uint32()
image_size_c.value = image_size
factor_c = c_int32()
factor_c.value = factor
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxSaturation(input_address_p, output_address_p, image_size_c, factor_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxAutoRawDefectivePixelCorrect"):
def dx_auto_raw_defective_pixel_correct(inout_address, width, height, bit_num):
:brief Auto raw defective pixel correct,Support image from Raw8 to Raw16, the bit number is actual
bit number, when it is more than 8, the actual bit can be every number between 9 to 16.
And if image format is packed, you need convert it to Raw16.
This function should be used in each frame.
:param inout_address: input & output buffer address
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param bit_num: image bit number (for example:if image 10bit, nBitNum = 10,
if image 12bit, nBitNum = 12,
range:8 ~ 16)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
bit_num_c = c_int32()
bit_num_c.value = bit_num
inout_address_p = c_void_p()
inout_address_p.value = inout_address
status = dll.DxAutoRawDefectivePixelCorrect(inout_address_p, width_c, height_c, bit_num_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxSharpen24B"):
def dx_sharpen_24b(input_address, output_address, width, height, factor):
:brief Sharpen adjustment (RGB24)
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param factor: sharpen factor, range(0.1~5.0)
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
factor_c = c_float()
factor_c.value = factor
status = dll.DxSharpen24B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c, factor_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxGetWhiteBalanceRatio"):
def dx_get_white_balance_ratio(input_address, width, height):
:brief Get white balance ratios(RGB24), In order to calculate accurately, the camera should
shoot objective "white" area,or input image is white area.
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
(r_ratio, g_ratio, b_ratio): rgb ratio tuple
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
r_ratio_c = c_double()
r_ratio_c.value = 0
g_ratio_c = c_double()
g_ratio_c.value = 0
b_ratio_c = c_double()
b_ratio_c.value = 0
status = dll.DxGetWhiteBalanceRatio(input_address_p, width_c, height_c, byref(r_ratio_c),
byref(g_ratio_c), byref(b_ratio_c))
return status, (r_ratio_c.value, g_ratio_c.value, b_ratio_c.value)
if hasattr(dll, "DxImageMirror"):
def dx_image_mirror(input_address, output_address, width, height, mirror_mode):
:brief image mirror(raw8)
:param input_address: input buffer address
:param output_address: output buffer address
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param mirror_mode: mirror mode
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
mirror_mode_c = c_uint()
mirror_mode_c.value = mirror_mode
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
status = dll.DxImageMirror(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c, mirror_mode_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRaw8ImgProcess"):
def dx_raw8_image_process(input_address, output_address, width, height, color_img_process_param):
:brief Raw8 image process
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param color_img_process_param: Raw8 image process param, refer to DxColorImgProcess
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
color_img_process_param_c = ColorImgProcess()
color_img_process_param_c.defective_pixel_correct = color_img_process_param.defective_pixel_correct
color_img_process_param_c.denoise = color_img_process_param.denoise
color_img_process_param_c.sharpness = color_img_process_param.sharpness
color_img_process_param_c.accelerate = color_img_process_param.accelerate
if color_img_process_param.cc_param is None:
color_img_process_param_c.arr_cc = None
color_img_process_param_c.cc_buf_length = 0
color_img_process_param_c.arr_cc = addressof(color_img_process_param.cc_param.get_ctype_array())
color_img_process_param_c.cc_buf_length = color_img_process_param.cc_param.get_length()
color_img_process_param_c.sharp_factor = color_img_process_param.sharp_factor
if color_img_process_param.pro_lut is None:
color_img_process_param_c.pro_lut = None
color_img_process_param_c.lut_length = 0
color_img_process_param_c.pro_lut = addressof(color_img_process_param.pro_lut.get_ctype_array())
color_img_process_param_c.lut_length = color_img_process_param.pro_lut.get_length()
color_img_process_param_c.cv_type = color_img_process_param.convert_type
color_img_process_param_c.layout = color_img_process_param.color_filter_layout
color_img_process_param_c.flip = color_img_process_param.flip
status = dll.DxRaw8ImgProcess(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c,
height_c, byref(color_img_process_param_c))
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxMono8ImgProcess"):
def dx_mono8_image_process(input_address, output_address, width, height, mono_img_process_param):
:brief mono8 image process
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param mono_img_process_param: mono8 image process param, refer to DxMonoImgProcess
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
mono_img_process_param_c = MonoImgProcess()
mono_img_process_param_c.defective_pixel_correct = mono_img_process_param.defective_pixel_correct
mono_img_process_param_c.sharpness = mono_img_process_param.sharpness
mono_img_process_param_c.accelerate = mono_img_process_param.accelerate
mono_img_process_param_c.sharp_factor = mono_img_process_param.sharp_factor
if mono_img_process_param.pro_lut is None:
mono_img_process_param_c.pro_lut = None
mono_img_process_param_c.lut_length = 0
mono_img_process_param_c.pro_lut = addressof(mono_img_process_param.pro_lut.get_ctype_array())
mono_img_process_param_c.lut_length = mono_img_process_param.pro_lut.get_length()
status = dll.DxMono8ImgProcess(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c,
height_c, byref(mono_img_process_param_c))
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxGetFFCCoefficients'):
def dx_get_ffc_coefficients(bright_img, dark_img, actual_bits, bayer_type, width, height, target_value):
:brief Get Flat Field Correction Coefficients
(only support raw8 raw10 raw12)
:param bright_img: bright image
:param dark_img: dark image
:param actual_bits: image actual bits
:param bayer_type: bayer type
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param target_value: correction target Value
:return status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
ffc_coefficients: flat field correction coefficients Buffer
ffc_coefficients_length: flat field correction coefficients Buffer length
field_correction_process_c = FieldCorrectionProcess()
field_correction_process_c.bright_buf = bright_img
field_correction_process_c.dark_buf = dark_img
field_correction_process_c.width = width
field_correction_process_c.height = height
field_correction_process_c.actual_bits = actual_bits
field_correction_process_c.bayer_type = bayer_type
ffc_coefficients_len_c = c_int()
ffc_coefficients_len_c.value = 0
if target_value is None:
# Get length of ffc coefficients
dll.DxGetFFCCoefficients(field_correction_process_c, None, byref(ffc_coefficients_len_c), None)
# Create buff to get coefficients data
ffc_coefficients_c = (c_ubyte * ffc_coefficients_len_c.value)()
status = dll.DxGetFFCCoefficients(field_correction_process_c, byref(ffc_coefficients_c),
byref(ffc_coefficients_len_c), None)
target_value_c = c_int()
target_value_c.value = target_value
# Get length of ffc coefficients
dll.DxGetFFCCoefficients(field_correction_process_c, None, byref(ffc_coefficients_len_c),
# Create buff to get coefficients data
ffc_coefficients_c = (c_ubyte * ffc_coefficients_len_c.value)()
status = dll.DxGetFFCCoefficients(field_correction_process_c, byref(ffc_coefficients_c),
byref(ffc_coefficients_len_c), byref(target_value_c))
return status, ffc_coefficients_c, ffc_coefficients_len_c.value
if hasattr(dll, "DxFlatFieldCorrection"):
def dx_flat_field_correction(input_address, output_address, actual_bits, width, height, ffc_coefficients):
:brief Flat Field Correction Process
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param actual_bits: image actual bits
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param ffc_coefficients: flat field correction coefficients data array
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
actual_bits_c = c_uint()
actual_bits_c.value = actual_bits
ffc_coefficients_len_c = c_int()
ffc_coefficients_len_c.value = len(ffc_coefficients)
status = dll.DxFlatFieldCorrection(input_address_p, output_address_p, actual_bits_c, width_c, height_c,
byref(ffc_coefficients), byref(ffc_coefficients_len_c))
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRaw12PackedToRaw16"):
def dx_raw12_packed_to_raw16(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief Convert Raw12Packed to Raw16
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRaw12PackedToRaw16(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRaw10PackedToRaw16"):
def dx_raw10_packed_to_raw16(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief Convert Raw10Packed to Raw16
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRaw10PackedToRaw16(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRGB48toRGB24"):
def dx_rgb48_to_rgb24(input_address, output_address, width, height, valid_bit):
:brief Convert RGB48 to RGB24
:param input_address: input buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: output buffer address, buff size = width * height
:param width: image width
:param height: image height
:param valid_bit: image valid bit
:return: status: State return value, See detail in DxStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
valid_bit_c = c_uint()
valid_bit_c.value = valid_bit
status = dll.DxRGB48toRGB24(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c, valid_bit_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRaw16toRGB48'):
def dx_raw16_to_rgb48(input_address, output_address, width, height, actual_bits, convert_type, bayer_type, flip):
:brief Convert Raw16 to RGB48
:param input_address: The input raw image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: The output rgb image buff address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:param actual_bits: image actual bits
:param convert_type: Bayer convert type, See detail in DxBayerConvertType
:param bayer_type: pixel color filter, See detail in DxPixelColorFilter
:param flip: Output image flip flag
True: turn the image upside down
False: do not flip
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
actual_bits_c = c_uint()
actual_bits_c.value = actual_bits
convert_type_c = c_uint()
convert_type_c.value = convert_type
bayer_type_c = c_uint()
bayer_type_c.value = bayer_type
flip_c = c_bool()
flip_c.value = flip
status = dll.DxRaw16toRGB48(input_address_p, output_address_p,
width_c, height_c, actual_bits_c, convert_type_c, bayer_type_c, flip_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxRaw8toARGB32'):
def dx_raw8_to_rgb32(input_address, output_address, width, height, stride, convert_type, bayer_type, flip, alpha):
:brief Convert Raw8 to ARGB32
:param input_address: The input raw image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: The output rgb image buff address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param width: Image width
:param height: Image height
:param stride: Android surface stride
:param convert_type: Bayer convert type, See detail in DxBayerConvertType
:param bayer_type: pixel color filter, See detail in DxPixelColorFilter
:param flip: Output image flip flag
True: turn the image upside down
False: do not flip
:param alpha: value of channel Alpha
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
stride_c = c_uint32()
stride_c.value = stride
convert_type_c = c_uint()
convert_type_c.value = convert_type
bayer_type_c = c_uint()
bayer_type_c.value = bayer_type
flip_c = c_bool()
flip_c.value = flip
alpha_c = c_uint32()
alpha_c.value = alpha
status = dll.DxRaw8toARGB32(input_address_p, output_address_p,
width_c, height_c, stride_c, convert_type_c, bayer_type_c, flip_c, alpha_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxStaticDefectCorrection'):
def dx_static_defect_correction(input_address, output_address, defect_correction, defect_pos_buffer_address,
:brief Image defect pixel correction
:param input_address: The input raw image buff address, buff size = width * height
:param output_address: The output rgb image buff address, buff size = width * height * 3
:param defect_correction: Image parameter used to do defect correction
:param defect_pos_buffer_address: Defect Pixel position file buffer
:param defect_pos_buffer_size: Defect Pixel position file buffer size
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
defect_correction_c = defect_correction
defect_pos_buffer_address_p = c_void_p()
defect_pos_buffer_address_p.value = defect_pos_buffer_address
defect_pos_buffer_size_c = c_uint32()
defect_pos_buffer_size_c.value = defect_pos_buffer_size
status = dll.DxStaticDefectCorrection(input_address_p, output_address_p,
defect_correction_c, defect_pos_buffer_address_p,
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxCalcCameraLutBuffer'):
def dx_calc_camera_lut_buffer(contrast_param, gamma, light_ness, lut_address,
:brief calculating lookup table of camera
:param contrast_param: contrast param,range(-50~100)
:param gamma: gamma param,range(0.1~10)
:param light_ness: lightness param,range(-150~150)
:param lut_address: lookup table
:param lut_length_address: lookup table length(unit:byte)
Lookup table length should be obtained through the interface GXGetBufferLength.
contrast_param_c = c_int32()
contrast_param_c.value = contrast_param
gamma_c = c_double()
gamma_c.value = gamma
lightness_c = c_int32()
lightness_c.value = light_ness
lut_address_c = c_void_p()
lut_address_c.value = lut_address
status = dll.DxCalcCameraLutBuffer(contrast_param_c, gamma_c,
lightness_c, lut_address_c,
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxReadLutFile'):
def dx_read_lut_file(lut_file_path, lut_address, lut_length_address):
:brief read lut file
:param lut_file_path: Lut file path. Lut file(xxx.lut) can be obtained from Lut
Create Tool Plugin,which can be get by select Plugin->Lut
Create Tool Plugin from the menu bar in GalaxyView.
:param lut_address: Lookup table. Users need to apply for memory in advance.The
memory size is also lookup table length(nLutLength),should be
obtained through the interface GXGetBufferLength,
e.g. GXGetBufferLength(m_hDevice, GX_BUFFER_LUT_VALUEALL,&nLutLength),
:param lut_length_address: Lookup table length(unit:byte),which should be obtained through
the interface GXGetBufferLength, e.g.
GXGetBufferLength(m_hDevice, GX_BUFFER_LUT_VALUEALL,&nLutLength),
:return: status State return value, See detail in DxStatus
data_array Array of output images, buff size = width * height * 3
lut_address_p = c_void_p()
lut_address_p.value = lut_address
status = dll.DxReadLutFile(lut_file_path, lut_address_p,
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertCreate'):
def dx_image_format_convert_create():
:brief Create handle for Image Format Convert
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
handle = c_void_p()
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertCreate(pointer(handle))
return status, handle
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertDestroy'):
def dx_image_format_convert_destroy(handle):
:brief Destroy handle for Image Format Convert
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertDestroy(handle)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvert'):
def dx_image_format_convert(handle, input_address, input_length, output_address, output_length, fixel_format, width,
height, flip):
:brief Image Format Convert Process
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
fixel_format_c = c_uint()
fixel_format_c.value = fixel_format
flip_c = c_bool()
flip_c.value = flip
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvert(handle, input_address_p, input_length, output_address_p,
output_length, fixel_format_c, width_c, height_c, flip_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertSetOutputPixelFormat'):
def dx_image_format_convert_set_output_pixel_format(handle, pixel_format):
:brief Set Bayer Pixel Format Convert Type
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param pixel_format [in] Pixel Format
pixel_format_c = c_uint()
pixel_format_c.value = pixel_format
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertSetOutputPixelFormat(handle, pixel_format_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertSetAlphaValue'):
def dx_image_format_convert_set_alpha_value(handle, alpha_value):
:brief Set Bayer Pixel Format Convert Type
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param alpha_value [in] Alpha channel value(range of 0~255)
alpha_value_c = c_uint()
alpha_value_c.value = alpha_value
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertSetAlphaValue(handle, alpha_value_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertSetInterpolationType'):
def dx_image_format_convert_set_interpolation_type(handle, cvt_type):
:brief Set Bayer Pixel Format Convert Type
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param cvt_type [in] Bayer Pixel Format convert RGB type
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertSetInterpolationType(handle, cvt_type)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertSetValidBits'):
def dx_image_format_convert_set_valid_bits(handle, valid_bits):
:brief Set Valid Bits
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param valid_bits [in] Valid Bits value
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertSetValidBits(handle, valid_bits)
return status
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertGetOutputPixelFormat'):
def dx_image_format_convert_get_output_pixel_format(handle):
:brief Set Output Pixel type
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param pixel_format [out] Pixel Format
pixel_format_c = c_uint()
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertGetOutputPixelFormat(handle, byref(pixel_format_c))
return status, pixel_format_c.value
if hasattr(dll, 'DxImageFormatConvertGetBufferSizeForConversion'):
def dx_image_format_convert_get_buffer_size_for_conversion(handle, pixel_format, width, height):
:brief Set Output Pixel type
:param handle [in] Image Format convert handle
:param pixel_format [in] Pixel Format
:param width [in] Image Width
:param height [in] Image Height
:param buffer_size_address [out] Image buffer size
pixel_format_c = c_uint()
pixel_format_c.value = pixel_format
width_c = c_uint()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint()
height_c.value = height
buffer_size_c = c_int()
status = dll.DxImageFormatConvertGetBufferSizeForConversion(handle, pixel_format_c, width_c,
height_c, byref(buffer_size_c))
return status, buffer_size_c.value
if hasattr(dll, "DxRotate90CW8B"):
def dx_rotate_90_cw8b(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 8-bit image clockwise by 90 degrees
:param pInputBuffer [in] input buffer
:param pOutputBuffer [out]output buffer(new buffer)
:param nWidth [in] image width
:param nHeight [in] image height
:return emStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRotate90CW8B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRotate90CCW8B"):
def dx_rotate_90_ccw8b(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 8-bit image counter by 90 degrees
:param pInputBuffer [in] input buffer
:param pOutputBuffer [out]output buffer(new buffer)
:param nWidth [in] image width
:param nHeight [in] image height
:return emStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRotate90CCW8B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRotate90CW16B"):
def dx_rotate_90_cw16b(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 16-bit image clockwise by 90 degrees
:param pInputBuffer [in] input buffer
:param pOutputBuffer [out]output buffer(new buffer)
:param nWidth [in] image width
:param nHeight [in] image height
:return emStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRotate90CW16B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxRotate90CCW16B"):
def dx_rotate_90_ccw16b(input_address, output_address, width, height):
:brief To rotate the 16-bit image counter by 90 degrees
:param pInputBuffer [in] input buffer
:param pOutputBuffer [out]output buffer(new buffer)
:param nWidth [in] image width
:param nHeight [in] image height
:return emStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxRotate90CCW16B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c)
return status
if hasattr(dll, "DxImageMirror16B"):
def dx_image_mirror_16b(input_address, output_address, width, height, mirro_mode):
:brief image mirror(Raw16 or 16bit image)
:param pInputBuff [in] input buffer
:param pOutputBuf [out]output buffer
:param nWidth [in] image width
:param nHeight [in] image height
:param emMirrorMode [in] mirror mode
:return emStatus
input_address_p = c_void_p()
input_address_p.value = input_address
output_address_p = c_void_p()
output_address_p.value = output_address
width_c = c_uint32()
width_c.value = width
height_c = c_uint32()
height_c.value = height
status = dll.DxImageMirror16B(input_address_p, output_address_p, width_c, height_c, mirro_mode)
return status |