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26 lines
440 B

import struct
from .tools import bytes_to_int_list, int_list_to_bytes
drawer = 1.3
d_drawer = struct.pack('>f', float(drawer))
output = d_drawer[2:] + d_drawer[:2]
vl_output = bytes_to_int_list(output)
# vl_output
# [26214, 16294]
# d_drawer
# b'?\xa6ff'
r_drawer = int_list_to_bytes(vl_output)
# r_drawer
# b'ff?\xa6'
routput = r_drawer[2:] + r_drawer[:2]
# routput
# b'?\xa6ff'
struct.unpack('>f', routput)
# (1.2999999523162842,)