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#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
te:2022/07/18 16:32:26
import sys
import os
from sqlalchemy import asc
from .db_base import Repository
from models.client_models import EntityClient
class BllClient(Repository):
def __init__(self, entityType=EntityClient):
return super().__init__(entityType)
# 获取客户端列表
def get_all_client_list(self):
# return self.findList().order_by(asc(EntityClient.client_code)).all()
sql_all = """select * from rms_client order by client_code """
return self.execute(sql_all).fetchall()
# 根据条件查询客户端信息
def get_filter_client(self, client_id, customer_id):
where_list = []
if client_id:
where_list.append(EntityClient.client_id == client_id)
if customer_id:
where_list.append(EntityClient.customer_id == customer_id)
return self.findEntity(tuple(where_list))