You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
7.5 KiB

layui.define(['jquery', 'laytpl', 'layer'], function (e) {
"use strict";
var hint = layui.hint(),
$ = layui.jquery,
laytpl = layui.laytpl,
layer = layui.layer,
module = 'autocomplete',
filter = 'layui-autocomplete',
container = 'layui-form-autocomplete',
container_focus = 'layui-form-autocomplete-focus',
system = {
config: {
template: ['<div class="layui-form-autocomplete">', '<dl class="layui-anim layui-anim-upbit">', '</dl>', '</div>'].join(''),
layout: ['<dd data-index="{{d.index}}">{{d.text}}</dd>'].join(''),
template_txt: '{{d.text}}',
template_val: '{{d.value}}',
cache: false
data: {}
callback = function () {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config;
return {
call: function (handle, params) {
if (!_self.handles[handle]) return hint.error(handle + " handle is not defined");
_self.handles[handle].call(_self, params)
job = function (e) {
var _self = this;
_self.config = $.extend({}, _self.config, system.config, e);
job.prototype.config = {
response: {
code: 'code',
data: 'data',
msg: 'msg'
request: {
keywords: 'keywords'
statusCode: 0,
time_limit: 300,
pullTimer: null,
data: {},
temp_data: {},
params: {},
filter: '',
method: 'get',
ajaxParams: {}
job.prototype.render = function () {
var _self = this, _config = _self.config;
if (_config.elem = $(_config.elem), _config.where = _config.where || {}, !_config.elem[0]) return _self;
var _elem = _config.elem,
_container ='.' + container),
_html = _self.elem = $(laytpl(_config.template).render({})); =, _container && _container.remove(), _elem.attr('autocomplete', 'off'), _elem.after(_html);
job.prototype.pullData = function () {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config,
_elem = _config.elem,
_container ='.' + container);
if (!_config.filter) return _self.renderData([]);
if ((_config.cache || !_config.url) && instanceof Object && Object.keys( > 0) return _self.renderData(;
var keywords = _config.request.keywords
var params = {
t: new Date().getTime()
params[keywords] = _config.filter;
var $loading = $('<i class="layui-icon layui-icon-loading layui-anim layui-anim-rotate layui-anim-loop"></i>');
type: _config.method,
url: _config.url,
data: $.extend(params, _config.params instanceof Function ? _config.params() :_config.params),
contentType: 'text/json,charset=utf-8',
dataType: "json",
beforeSend: function () {
$loading.attr('style', [
'left:' + (_elem.offset().left + _elem.outerWidth() - 20) + 'px',
'top:' + _elem.offset().top + 'px',
'height:' + _elem.height() + 'px',
'line-height:' + _elem.height() + 'px'
success: function (resp) {
console.log(_config.statusCode, resp[_config.response.code]);
return _config.statusCode != resp[_config.response.code] ? layer.msg(resp[_config.response.msg]) : = resp[], _self.renderData(
error: function () {
}, _config.ajaxParams))
job.prototype.renderData = function (resp) {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config,
_elem = _config.elem,
_container ='.' + container),
_dom = _container.find('dl'),
_list = [];
_config.temp_data = [];
layui.each(resp, function (i, e) {
if (_config.cache) {
if (e instanceof Object) {
layui.each(e, function (_i, _e) {
if (_e && _e.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(_config.filter.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
_config.temp_data.push(e), _list.push(laytpl(_config.layout).render({ index: i, text: laytpl(_config.template_txt).render(e) }));
return true;
} else {
if (_e && e.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(_config.filter.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
_config.temp_data.push(e), _list.push(laytpl(_config.layout).render({ index: i, text: laytpl(_config.template_txt).render(e) }));
} else {
_config.temp_data.push(e), _list.push(laytpl(_config.layout).render({ index: i, text: laytpl(_config.template_txt).render(e) }));
_dom.html(_list.join('')), _list.length > 0 ? _container.addClass(container_focus) : _container.removeClass(container_focus)
job.prototype.handles = {
addData: function (data) {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config;
if (data instanceof Array) { =
} else {
setData: function (data) {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config; = data;
} = function () {
var _self = this,
_config = _self.config,
_elem = _config.elem,
_container ='.' + container),
_dom = _container.find('dl');
_elem.unbind('focus').unbind('input propertychange').on('focus', function () {
_config.filter = this.value, _self.renderData(
}).on('input propertychange', function (e) {
var _value = this.value;
clearTimeout(_config.pullTimer), _config.pullTimer = setTimeout(function () {
_config.filter = _value, _self.pullData()
}, _config.time_limit)
$(document).on('click', function (e) {
var _target =, _item = _dom.find(_target), _e = _item.length > 0 ? _item.closest('dd') : undefined;
if (_target === _elem[0]) return false;
if (_e !== undefined) {
if (_e.attr('autocomplete-load') !== undefined) return false;
var curr_data = _config.temp_data[_e.index()]
_elem.val(laytpl(_config.template_val).render(curr_data)), _config.onselect == undefined || _config.onselect(curr_data)
system.init = function (e, c) {
var c = c || {}, _self = this, _elems = $(e ? 'input[lay-filter="' + e + '"]' : 'input[' + filter + ']');
_elems.each(function (_i, _e) {
var _elem = $(_e),
_lay_data = _elem.attr('lay-data');
try {
_lay_data = new Function("return " + _lay_data)()
} catch (ex) {
return hint.error("autocomplete元素属性lay-data配置项存在语法错误" + _lay_data)
var _config = $.extend({ elem: this }, system.config, c, _lay_data);
_config.url == undefined && ( == undefined || _config.length === 0) && hint.error("autocomplete配置有误缺少获取数据方式");
system.render = function (e) {
var j = new job(e);
system.init(), e(module, system);