#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @Date:2022/07/19 09:43:08 ''' from sqlalchemy import or_, and_ from db_logic.db_base import Repository from models.medicament_models import EntityMedicamentVariety #药剂品种业务逻辑类 class BllMedicamentVariety(Repository): #_instance_lock = threading.Lock() ## 实现单例模式 #def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # if not hasattr(BllMedicamentVariety, "_instance"): # with BllMedicamentVariety._instance_lock: # if not hasattr(BllMedicamentVariety, "_instance"): # BllMedicamentVariety._instance = object.__new__(cls) # return BllMedicamentVariety._instance def __init__(self, entityType=EntityMedicamentVariety): return super().__init__(entityType) # # 创建药剂品种 # def createDrugVariety(self, customerId, name, englishName, casNumber, purity, unit, speciUnit, speci, entityUser=EntityUser()): # entity = self.findEntity(and_(EntityMedicamentVariety.Name == name, EntityMedicamentVariety.Purity == purity, # EntityMedicamentVariety.Unit == unit, EntityMedicamentVariety.SpeciUnit == speciUnit, EntityMedicamentVariety.Speci == speci)) # print(entity, 6666666666) # if(entity is None): # entity = EntityMedicamentVariety() # entity.VarietyId = Utils.UUID() # entity.CustomerId = customerId # entity.InventoryWarningValue = 10 # entity.ShelfLifeWarningValue = 10 # entity.UseDaysWarningValue = 10 # entity.Name = name # entity.EnglishName = englishName # entity.CASNumber = casNumber # entity.Purity = purity # entity.Unit = unit # entity.SpeciUnit = speciUnit # entity.TotalCount = 1 # entity.InventoryWarningValue = 2 # entity.NormalCount = 1 # entity.UseCount = 0 # entity.EmptyCount = 0 # entity.IsSupervise = 0 # entity.Speci = speci # entity.CreateDate = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # entity.CreateUserId = entityUser.UserId # entity.CreateUserName = entityUser.RealName # self.insert(entity) # else: # entity.TotalCount += 1 # entity.NormalCount += 1 # self.update(entity) # entity = self.session.merge(entity) # return entity # # 获取品种统计 # def getVarietyStatistics(self): # SQL = """ # SELECT b.VarietyId as VarietyId, COUNT(CASE when IsEmpty = 1 then 1 end) as QuarterlyEmptyCount, # sum(CASE when IsEmpty = 1 then a.price else 0 end) as QuarterlyEmptyPrice, COUNT(CASE when RecordType = 1 then 1 end) as # QuarterlyPutInCount from RMS_MedicamentVariety as b LEFT JOIN RMS_MedicamentRecord as a on # b.VarietyId = a.VarietyId and MONTH((a.CreateDate)) = MONTH(now()) and Date_format # (a.CreateDate, '%Y') = (DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y')) GROUP by b.VarietyId # """ # # 获取季度数据 # quarter_data = BllMedicamentVariety().execute(SQL).fetchall() # quarter_data = json.loads(Utils.resultAlchemyData( # Utils.mysqlTable2Model(quarter_data))) # SQL = """SELECT b.VarietyId as VarietyId, COUNT(CASE when IsEmpty = 1 then a.CreateDate end) # as YearEmptyCount, sum(CASE when IsEmpty = 1 then a.price else 0 end) as YearEmptyPrice, # COUNT(CASE when RecordType = 1 then 1 end) as YearPutInCount from RMS_MedicamentVariety as b LEFT JOIN # RMS_MedicamentRecord as a on b.VarietyId = a.VarietyId and year((a.CreateDate)) = # year(now()) GROUP by b.VarietyId""" # # 获取年度数据 # year_data = BllMedicamentVariety().execute(SQL).fetchall() # year_data = json.loads(Utils.resultAlchemyData( # Utils.mysqlTable2Model(year_data))) # SQL = """ # select a.VarietyId as VarietyId, a.Name,a.Purity,a.CASNumber,a.IsSupervise, # sum(case when b.`Status` = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as NormalCount, # sum(case when b.`Status` = 1 or b.`Status` = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as TotalCount, # sum(case when b.`Status` = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as UseCount, # sum(case when b.`Status` = 1 or b.`Status` = 2 then b.Price else 0 end) as StockPrice # from RMS_MedicamentVariety as a LEFT JOIN RMS_Medicament # as b on b.VarietyId = a.VarietyId GROUP BY a.VarietyId # """ # # 获取药剂数据 # med_data = BllMedicamentVariety().execute(SQL).fetchall() # med_data = json.loads(Utils.resultAlchemyData( # Utils.mysqlTable2Model(med_data))) # data_list = [] # new_data_list = [] # # 便利数据合通过VarietyId相同合并字典 # for quarter in quarter_data: # for year in year_data: # if quarter['VarietyId'] == year['VarietyId']: # new_data = dict(quarter, **year) # data_list.append(new_data) # for data_dict in data_list: # for med in med_data: # if data_dict['VarietyId'] == med['VarietyId']: # new_data = dict(data_dict, **med) # new_data_list.append(new_data) # return new_data_list