#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- ''' @Date:2022/09/08 13:42:28 ''' import sys sys.path.append('.') from db_logic.module import BllModule from models.power_models import EntityModule from Common.Utils import Utils import cv2 def picture_shoot(image_name='img.png', image_path=r'C:/local_project/imgs') -> None: ''' 调用摄像头拍照并保存图片到本地 :param image_name: 图片名字 :param image_path: 图片保存路径 :return: None ''' cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while (cap.isOpened()): ret, frame = cap.read() # cv2.imshow("Capture_Paizhao", frame) # 显示窗口 cv2.imwrite(image_path + "\\" + image_name, frame) print("保存" + image_name + "成功!") break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() # if __name__ == '__main__': # picture_shoot() import json data_list = [ {"id": 1, "use_content": json.dumps([{"name":"氨水","num":1,"client_id":"1c39cb24-07f8-11ed-abd4-f47b094925e1","purity":"25~28%","speci":"500"}])}, {"id": 2, "use_content": json.dumps([{"name":"双氧水","num":1,"client_id":"1c39cb24-07f8-11ed-abd4-f47b094925e1","purity":"25~28%","speci":"500"}])}, {"id": 4, "use_content": json.dumps([{"name":"硫酸水","num":1,"client_id":"1c39cb24-07f8-11ed-abd4-f47b094925e1","purity":"25~28%","speci":"500"}])}, ] drug_list = [] update_id = '' client_id = '1c39cb24-07f8-11ed-abd4-f47b094925e1' drug_info = {"name": "双氧水"} for d in data_list: if update_id: break use_content = json.loads(d["use_content"]) for j in range(len(use_content)): # for j in use_content: j_info = use_content[j] if j_info["client_id"] == client_id and j_info["name"] == drug_info["name"] and j_info["purity"] == "25~28%" and j_info["speci"] == "500": if not j_info.get("use_num"): j_info["use_num"] = 0 if int(j_info["use_num"]) == int(j_info["num"]): continue else: j_info["use_num"] += 1 update_id = d["id"] print(use_content)